MEW Newsletter (copy 01)


Beloved Partners and Friends,

I am grateful to God for the privilege to continue serving Him as missionaries here in Estonia since autumn 2017. Thank you for your continual prayers and unwavering support. I am grateful to God for having your support and strengthening my relationships in this country. God is continuing this mission and I would like to share some of the stories:

Saved through the choir ministry

God is generous not only with the things we ask from Him but also generous with opportunities and challenges. One of the new opportunities I said YES to was being a vocal coach at an Evangelical Fusion Choir Camp in Rakvere. Smoothly I was also asked to be helping with a small-group, playing piano in the house-band, preach one night (on the subject: sin!), and to first-time-ever be one of the choir-conductors.

The whole idea of the camp was to share the Gospel through music ministry (how awesome is that!). Youth who had never played instruments before, had lessons where they would be practicing for the final gospel-musical about the story of Creation. Each song was accompanied by a choir and different soloists who I had the joy to coach.

The final night had a prayer-walk with different stops where the youth had to think about some questions about faith. The walks destination was at a worship-night where my worship band Mission Estonia Collective was leading. In the beginning  we felt that there was spiritually something heavy going on, we had to prayerfully-worshipping fighting through for something. That night we witnessed about 15 young people giving their lives to Jesus. It was a big celebration in heaven but also right there in that room!

“The Unusual” Worship Night

The last season ended with our own band’s (Mission Estonia Collective, aka MEC) worship night. People still talk about how different it was and we should do it again. Why? They hadn’t had the experience before where a traditional church had been redecorated into a cosy setting, where there is no stage but the whole church is together in a circle worshipping God for all His goodness. Specially in the South of Estonia, people had experienced worship night which pretty much looked like a service — worship + testimony  + preaching+ prayer. At this particular night we had the major part in worship and prayer, accompanied by testimonies and scripture readings. God was present, different generations came and there were some faith-building things happening.

There was a woman who almost like “by accident” was invited to the night. After the night she wrote to the inviter that she found answers what she had seeked for a long time and couldn’t find it elsewhere. She asked to be invited to such evenings again as she was very moved by the atmosphere.


In August I went to serve in Latvia twice. First time together with my mentee Kaileen to give Worship Central course to DTS there. Second time together with our band MEC. It is incredible how much God has helped to reveal new sides in people! Most of our band was not only behind an instrument but also teaching the course together with me. We were teaching and serving collectively!

Our dream for MEC has always been to expand and share what we have learned. This time I strongly felt that we should find somebody to join us, to get an experience of a mission trip, go through the course, but also have insight to a worship band. It was a match-made-in-heaven when we had Miikael joining us. It was the answer for his prayers and for ours. Today he is officially the newest member of our band and serving together with us since then.

PS! Though we do a lot with MEC, then they are full time working and having family life. It is a big sacrifice for them but as one of the band-family-members said: “We all sacrifice something but it is also a blessing!”

Churches United, Generations United

Looking back to the United Worship Night
There is a new beginning in Tartu since September. I was asked to take over a ministry called United Worship Night which were previously services for the youth in Tartu. The Lord gave me a fresh vision: let different denominations gather, but invite the whole church - generations! It is happening every month since September till June. We are doing it together with six churches —  from Baptist-, Free-, Pentecostal-, Word of Life backgrounds, but there have been even people from other cities who travel for this. The first two months we have had 150 people per night from many different age groups! With the core-team we are praying that this event could inspire the worship culture in the local churches and would impact the city.

Ragne, what is difficult in your ministry?

Some of you have asked me that. It is hard to describe really. Often it seems like my own imperfections make it difficult. Other times it seems difficult as for some I am too much of a woman and/or too young to lead teams and teach. But the most difficult..

To be honest, it feels quite lonely to be the only one working in this ministry full-time. Since the beginning I have asked God to give this vision to others, so there would be a full-time team for MEW brainstorming together, planning and leading as a team. 

His plans have been different. He has given a similar vision to several people, but at least now, He has not called any other to do it full-time. I am fortunate that there are more people whose heart is to inspire the worship ministry in Estonia (grateful that some of them are my closest circle here). If I could, then I would ask extra time to their weeks, so they could join dedicating more time to what their heart desires — worshipping God and inviting others to do the same. There is power in worship, it impacts our churches! The more people we have to work on this, the faster and wider the worship ministry would take it’s place and help to grow churches.

That is the reason why I have felt stuck in some areas — like building a database or a translating committee. It requires more people who are already not overbooked with other responsibilities. I have not given up even in such subjects, but I need some fresh ideas before things could get moving. I know there is a way! :)

There is always work to do, some people to encourage and personally develop. I have found a fresh time-off method these past months: I have started to play volleyball again. Great opportunity to meet people outside of church. Also, continuing taking vocal lessons and passing it on while teaching some singers vocal techniques for their ministry.

Anneke from the VPEZ writes about her visiting experience:

“On Friday 25 October I arrived in Tartu and was picked up by Ragne. We went straight to a church where Ragne was asked to lead the singing service at a youth meeting. There weren't many young people, but it was a nice meeting. Luckily Samuel sat next to me to translate so I could follow what was said a little bit. Afterwards, Ragne took me to my place in a church where I can sleep.Saturday morning Ragne and I went for breakfast together and we talked about how she is doing and what she meets in her work for God. Nice to hear that Ragne's parents also support her in taking singing lessons. She also likes to serve in her own country and in her own language. Then looked at Tartu and done some groceries. In the afternoon, Ragne had to prepare for an evening during which several churches from Tartu would gather to worship God. I went to a museum in Tartu with...? This was very fun. The meeting in the evening was very well attended. Many people had come to worship God. I didn't have a translation this time, but I felt the love of God through everything. I found it very special to hang out with Ragne these days and see her in God's kingdom, to see how she enjoys the work she does. To bring people and churches together and praise Our Father together. I want to thank Ragne and her team for the wonderful days I had with you. Dear Ragne, I wish you God's blessing in everything you do. Do not be discouraged for He is with you, He takes care of you, He knows you and He loves you. "Issand, teie Jumal on sinuga kõikjal, kuhu lähete."

Love, Anneke Siepelinga

Delegate board VPE Mission.”

Coming up

This is the time I am preparing for the new Worship Central course in Rakvere. We want to start the course in February 2020. Also, we are starting to make preparations for the Worship Conference March 2020. By that time we want to have a book “True Worship” by Vaughan Robert translated into Estonian, which would help to have more material for the worship teams in their own language.

Prayer requests

  • I know many of you pray for me and the ministry constantly. It is always up-lifting to actually hear that you do and have prayed, please be encouraged to share it with me once in a while. These kind of messages/emails are more important than I could describe!
  • I am realising every week how much work there is to be done. I am asking God to be specific about what I need to focus on exactly.
  • I would like to find more people who are inspired about what God is doing through the worship ministry and eagerness to teach others. It would help in different necessary projects to fulfil the mission I am here for.
  • To my sorrow, some of my dear church-family and supporters have passed away. Beside the person that is missed, is also the financial support which has dropped for that reason. You could help me through sharing pieces about my ministry in your local church, sharing this newsletter through social media or simply pray that I would find more people who would like to be part of this ministry through supporting it financially.
  • MEW mission was launched for 3 years. This is now the third year running. I invite you to pray with me for guidance what will come the year after the initial three year will be over.
With that, I am thinking of you with gratitude. How you’ve sacrificed from your salary, your time and giving me your blessing to be able to move to Estonia to accept the calling that God had for me. I couldn’t do it without you!
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