We are family Ülevain

Ragne & Eduard

Let’s make disciples,

build a church and

inspire the worship ministry!


Giving monthly, quarterly or one time, Your support ensures that we can continue to pursue the ministry God has given us full time. Your contribution would cover the life, work & ministry expenses.


Your prayers make a difference! Join us in praying for the people we are ministering to in Estonia. Join  our prayer-list to stay up to date on ministry news and prayer requests.

What do we hope to accomplish together?

We see that our ministry is mainly through the recently planted Ruut church and Mission Estonia Worship. We also  have several small and larger projects that we are leading or contributing to.

Building and leading the Ruut Church

Discipling young people to grow in faith and share the Gospel

Teaching about worship which is beyond music

Inspiring church musicians to serve with confidence in God

Make Disciples

Invest time and effort into young people, worship musicians at Ruut Church and elsewhere. Make disciples not to ourselves but to Jesus.

Build Ruut Church

Like Alison Morgan said, “The plural of disciple is church.” Make Ruut Church a place where to follow Jesus is done  a practical and mission-minded way.

Inspire Worship Ministry

Aspire and inspire the worship ministry in Estonia to become the type of worshipers whom God is looking for.

About Ragne

Ragne has been a worship missionary in Estonia since the year 2017. She experienced the call to the ministry while studying and living in Amsterdam, Holland. There she attended a bible school Master’s Commission Amsterdam-Noord for three years.

Over the past 6 years as a missionary in Estonia, she has been able to lead and be part of several worship bands to serve in Estonia or elsewhere. She has trained over 500 church musicians in worship ministry, and taught Bible college students and theology seminary students about worship ministry. Ragne is the founder of the Estonian Worshipers Network, which today has over 600 members. In addition she teaches a course in the Seminary about Discipleship.

She hosts a  radio show/podcast for church musicians now in its third year. She is also a mentor to three talented young worship leaders.

Ragne has a Bachelor’s Degree in Theology and is currently in the final stages of a Master’s study in Social Sciences in Management and Administration.

She finds fulfillment in positions that allow her to cultivate a ministry and contribute to bringing out the best in individuals. With a blend of vision and strategic skills, she seamlessly embodies both roles. Additionally, her leadership style is marked by creativity, which is evident in her approach to music.

Fun facts! For a year Ragne studied Performing Arts in Sweden, and for a short period also worked as a theatre-actress. Among friends Ragne is known as somebody who owns and reads a lot of books.

About Eduard

Eduard is one of the two pastors of Ruut Church. In September 2021, together with co-pastor Jakob Gill, they planted Ruut Church in Tartu, Estonia.

Eduard could be described as truly international. Born in Estonia, he has also resided in Germany, France, and Russia, mastering the languages of each, in addition to English.

He easily forms connections with people he meets, no matter their age or background. He has travelled a lot, and it is not uncommon for Eduard to exchange contacts with the people he meets along his way.  Eduard’s close friends see that as part of his gift of being an evangelist. He naturally maintains connections with people and is trusted by many.  His long morning routines with his coffee and Bible readings have been talked about on stages.

Furthermore, he has been passionate in the decathlon, where his two favourite events are the javelin throw and pole vault. He invests a lot of time into guys who are also in the field with him. It is a highlight for him if he gets to share the gospel with those who have yet to hear it.

Eduard began in his career as a lawyer, after finishing the relevant BA Degree. However Eduard feels a calling to fully commit to pastoral ministry in the newly planted Ruut Church. His goal is to help bring out the potential in people and build the church .

Fun facts! In his free time he loves to cook and bake. He has a supernatural ability to commit to an assignment. His German friends call him “Eddy”.

Sign up to our prayer list!

Join us in making a positive impact on the lives of those we serve in Estonia.
Join our prayer-list and become a vital part of our mission, staying connected with our ministry news and prayer requests. Together, we can bring hope, faith, and love to those who need it most.

Join us with finances!

Receiver: Ruut Kogudus
Account: EE317700771009823960
Description: mission Estonia

bank name: AS LHV PANK
Address: Tartu mnt 2, 10145 Tallinn

*All finances are gathered to Ruut church account and given to Eduard & Ragne as a ministry salary according to Estonian law.


Where is our ministry focus in 2024?

Our ministry is mainly through the recently planted Ruut church and Mission Estonia Worship, as well as through a number of separate smaller and larger projects that we are leading or contributing to.

Ruut Church

In Ruut Church everything is seen through the lens of discipleship. There are mainly 4 gatherings happening regularly:

  1. Sunday service
  2. Connect Group
  3. DNA Group
  4. Men’s prayer morning.

Ruut Church is a newly planted church that started to gather in autumn of 2021. From the first 5 founding members it has grown to 16 members. Six members have been baptised in Ruut church. Being located in the Estonian university city of Tartu, the church comprises of numerous university students.

Mission Estonia Worship (MEW)

MEW ministry continues:

  • leading worship;
  • training and mentoring;
  • monthly podcast episode for church musicians.

Ragne started this ministry in 2017. Over the past 6 years as a missionary in Estonia she has been able to lead and be part of several worship bands who serve in Estonia or elsewhere (Latvia, Norway, Germany, the Netherlands). She has trained over 500 church musicians in worship ministry, and taught Bible college students and theology seminary students about worship ministry. Ragne is the founder of the Estonian Worshipers Network, which today has over 600 members. In addition she teaches a course in the Seminary about Discipleship.

MEW Mission in:

  • to inspire, inform and facilitate church leaders of Estonia to believe and experience the power of worship and the impact worship has in their ministry;
  • to help equip Estonian church worship teams and help to develop the worship ministry in their churches;
  • inspire churches and individuals to become “…the kind of worshipers the Father seeks. God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in the Spirit and in truth” (Jh 4:23-24, NIV) To sing the song of the heart, not the mouth.
Reaching the athletes

There are not many top athletes in Estonia who are also Christians. In his preparation for the decathlon, Eduard dedicates weekly sessions in the sports hall, training alongside some of Estonia’s top athletes. The shared training time is crucial, considering that Eduard might be the only Christian with whom they have a close relationship. 

In 2022, a young man with whom Eduard had been training together for 1,5 years, came to Christ and got baptised in Ruut church. This is a good example that shows investing in people and making disciples involves spending time with them, akin to the way Jesus did. 

Pop-gospel choir

Between September 2023 and June 2024 Ragne is leading a Fusion project in the city of Rakvere. The main vision is to connect with young adults who were previously involved with the local youth ministry one way or another but have since distanced themselves from church and Christians. As part of the initiative, we extended invitations to this individuals to join the celebration of Karmel’ Church 130th birthday. The event will feature a pop-gospel choir performing in the heart of the city alongside renowned artists.

The choir rehearsals will be engaging, caring for one another, and full of music. We hope to reconnect with and reach out to those who may have drifted away.


Eduard & Ragne have different ways of investing in young people. This includes responding to late-night knocks on the door from young adults in need of a place to stay, fostering mentorship relationships, and actively working to create discipleship environments wherever they are engaged.

Here are a few moments of Ruut Church on a Sunday. It starts with a delightful session of pancakes and coffee, followed by a time of worship through singing. The gathering proceeds with listening to the Word, engaging in discussions, and praying about the message. Frequently, our Sunday meetings conclude with impromptu conversations or perhaps a round of the Estonian game “WildEst.”

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